Seamlessly Manage Your Clients

Customizable, flexible, on-demand client management.

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Your Client Is More Than Just A Case Number

Our web-based software platform is designed specifically for courts and agencies and can be customized with specific parameters unique to each user.

With its flexibility of use, CourtFact allows agency staff to use only those features that would most benefit each participant.


Some of the key features we offer that make us different from any other software.



Utilize remote participant assessment with our Reporting module, facilitating efficient data collection and updates with simple, tailored questionnaires.

  • Time frames to identify compliance with answering Reporting questions
  • Customizable frequency of Reporting
  • Use multiple Reporting templates for a single caseload or participant
  • Default reminders to participants to respond to the questions


Balance data security and access control with our customizable Login Module, offering agencies three verification options for participant access to Client Mobile, tailored to varying levels of supervision.

  • Ability to select one or all options to be used on any participants
  • Customizable Facial Assurance to allow for more, or less stringent matching of faces
  • Fallback PIN override for failed Facial ID attempt
  • Archived failed Facial ID bio-authentication attempts


Simplify participant compliance and navigate the judicial and treatment processes effortlessly.

  • Time frames to identify compliance with Event acknowledgment by participants
  • Allow declining of Events
  • Allow client-creation of Events with optional notification to agency users
  • Default reminder times for each Event (customizable at the participant level)
  • Default reminder types of Push, Text and/or Email notifications (customizable at the participant level)


Easily hold your clients accountable and ensure they are attending court or agency mandated events.

  • Tracking radius around Event address
  • Customizable start and ending times before and after an Event’s timeframe
  • Frequency of location point collection
  • Selectable Compliance Percentage to determine the percentage of location points collected in the tracking radius during the timeframe of the Event to be considered complaint


Elevate communication and harness the power of text messaging to foster participant engagement and facilitate open dialogue.

  • Allow participants to initiate Discussions with staff
  • Time frames to identify compliance with Discussions acknowledgment by participants
  • Auto close open Discussions after a predetermined amount of time


Effortlessly manage off-site obligations and periodic check-ins with our Check-In module, simplifying participant accountability for courts and agencies.

  • Track participants for a number of minutes following successful Check-In
  • Frequency of location point collection
  • Require a photo during Check-In
  • Default notification types for Check-In reminders
  • NEW! Set grace periods of scheduled Check-Ins
  • NEW! Optional agent email notification of missed Check-Ins


Simplify mass communication with our Broadcast module, ensuring important information reaches participants promptly and efficiently.

  • Limit which users have access to Broadcast
  • Repeat Broadcasts to ensure information gets to participants
  • Create newsletter Broadcasts for specific groups of clients


Simplify fee monitoring with our flexible Financials module, providing invaluable insights for case workers and supervisors.

  • Three-tier time frames to allow for reminder, warning and critical delinquency statuses
  • Customizable fee schedule database
  • Default costs per item associated to each agency (customizable at the participant level)
  • Automatic reminders to be sent when a status or time frame is triggered


Streamline your substance testing program with seamless scheduling, versatile check-in options, integrated drug lab functionality, tailored agency configurations, instant reporting, and more.

Notifications & Reminders Anywhere, Anytime

Reach your participants with multiple delivery methods including Push Notifications, SMS Text Messages and E-mails to eliminate excuses and increase accountability.

Our robust notification system allows you to reach your entire caseload even if they do not use the CourtFact Client Mobile Application.

Schedule A Demo & Start Using Our Software Today

Discover how our innovative platform can streamline your workflow, enhance client relationships, and maximize productivity.

Flexible Plans to Fit Your Budget & Needs

per month
Features include:
per month
Mix & Match Features:
per month
Targeted Program Usability:

See What It Will Cost

Get a custom estimated quote for your flexible plan.

Select your preferences to calculate the estimated cost /month.

Estimated cost (/month)

Estimated Units of Unique Module Instances

A Unique Module Instance is counted as each module / feature you add to each client.
Example: You assign client John Smith the Events, Reporting, and Check-In modules. That would be 3 Module Instances.

Enter estimated module instances

Each time a text or email is sent or a photo is collected from a client, a data charge is incurred. Data is optional and can be selected to be used on a specific modules and clients.

Total Estimated Monthly Cost

Hear From Our Users

"I’m very impressed at the ease of use. Your company did a great job setting this up."

Illinois County Probation Officer

"CourtFact offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling us to mix and match features to precisely meet our clients' diverse needs."

Jeremie Lovall
Director of Howard County Community Corrections, IN

"I appreciate the opportunity to use it during a time of crisis. As we begin to look at how we will move forward, CourtFact is very much a part of that."

Illinois County Chief of Probation

"Our participants are not permitted to have phones while in the work release facility, so being able to use Client Portal on the computers in the facility allows them to still have communication with the case managers."

Work Release Director
Indiana County Community Corrections

"CourtFact has been a part of our overall supervision plan, but when COVID-19 hit, CourtFact became essential for ongoing communication with our clients."

Ward Byers
Former Director, Marshall County Communication Corrections, IN

"It is so simple to use that my staff knew how to do most everything before we even attended training."

Illinois County Chief of Probation

"Personally, I find the integration module particularly powerful. Its ability to seamlessly connect CourtFact with existing systems streamlines processes and enhances data accessibility, ultimately maximizing productivity and effectiveness."

Jeremie Lovall
Director of Howard County Community Corrections, IN

"Every feature we try seems to have a fit for specific participants whether it’s problem-solving court or those on regular probation."

Illinois County Chief of Probation

"CourtFact is user-friendly and helps field staff quickly identify participant locations, possible violations, and monitor drug trends for the agency and county."

Kyle Turner
Home Detention & Intake Coordinator, TCCC

See our Courts & Agencies Efficient Software in Action

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*Note: If you are a client, you will not be contacted from this submission. Please discuss any concerns with your case manager or service provider. You can find additional information about troubleshooting  here.

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