Go Digital & Reduce Paper Forms

Electronically sign chains of custody & other drug testing forms

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Easily Sign & Store Important Records in One Step

Reduce the amount of paper records required to be store in client files using E-Signature by CourtFact. Reduce the amount of manual workload by no longer scanning signed forms and uploading them to a document filing system.​

Simple workflows designed to make the signature process of drug testing chains of custody follow best practices. By streamlining the steps and electronically collecting signatures for clients and staff within the same process, drug testing procedures have important aspects secured and avoid missing vital information.


CourtFact E-Signature has these advantages:

Usability Options Available With These Testing Solutions

Testing Authorization
Confirm BioSciences
Features include:
Chain of Custody
Features include:
Other Processes
More Labs Coming
Features include:

Hear From Our Users

"Being on Probation SUCKS the Big One already! BUT THIS APP MAKES IT EASY... EASIER THAN ANYTHING I'VE DONE IN THE PAST and is fair."


"I think the new app is Way better than the old app. Thank you."


"Impressive app. Makes life easier while on drug court. "


"Great app, keeps me informed, and great at reminders."


"Easier way to communicate with my case manager."


"I’m glad I get tests from my case manager to remind me about what times our meetings are."


"A huge highlight that I was incredibly grateful for was how straightforward daily check-ins were with [Client Mobile]."


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CourtFact is a suite of products that allows courts, agencies, and Service Providers to communicate with and monitor compliance of their participant population.

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*Note: If you are a client, you will not be contacted from this submission. Please discuss any concerns with your case manager or service provider. You can find additional information about troubleshooting  here.

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